Daniel Popa

Ministry Vision

Daniel serves local churches in Romania by preaching and teaching, visiting the elderly, counseling couples, and discipling young men. He helps with various local church ministries including music, organizing VBS, and producing news, devotionals, and sermons for Radio Voice of the Gospel. Daniel also serves as the Vice President of Christian education in his Baptist Association. 


Daniel grew up in Communist Romania and was saved at 14. He began serving in the youth group and grew in his love to serve others through teaching. Daniel began discipling young men in his home, including Pastor Andrei. Daniel was affirmed by his local church for his discipleship giftings and was encouraged to attend seminary to become a full-time pastor. He received theological training in Canada, missionary training in North Carolina, and returned to the Mission Field in Romania. 

He currently preaches and teaches in three Baptist churches where he pastors. Daniel continues to disciple young men in his apartment and produces radio programs for Radio Voice of the Gospel. 

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the young men in my home Bible study that they would grow to love God’s Word and desire to study and live for God’s glory. 
  • Pray for the truth of God’s Word to go forth through the Radio Voice of the Gospel ministry.
  • Pray for our three sons that they would grow in Christ and in His wisdom.