
Past Conferences

Trinity Men’s Conference
Biblical Manhood
with Stuart Scott
May 17-18, 2024

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. I Corinthians 16:13‬

There has never been a time in human history when Paul’s exhortation to men is more necessary. We live in an era of mass confusion and collective insanity. The rotten fruit of the sexual revolution is evident even in the Church, as egalitarianism and abdication of male roles run rampant. These times can be discouraging, but Scripture’s command to us is clear: Act like men!

What does it mean to “Act like men”? The answers to this question are found in Scripture. Through keynote messages and breakout sessions, we’ll examine what God’s Word has to say about three important areas in a man’s life: Masculinity, Leadership, and Decision-Making. We hope you’ll join us to be refreshed and equipped at this year’s Men’s Conference.

Conference Handouts

Keynote Sessions Notes & Outlines
Conference Info Booklet
Victor Lai’s Notes


>>Conference Media<<

Trinity Women’s Conference
Cultivating Contentment
with Jodi Ware
April 28-29, 2023

“Be content with what you have, for He has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’  So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my Helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” Hebrews 13:5-6

How do we cultivate contentment in a world that invites continuous comparison to everyone around us and leaves us with the message that we don’t measure up? Too often the cultural lies that bombard us choke the growth of contentment and instead leave us with seeds of sadness, anger, frustration, and emptiness. True contentment is rooted in a knowledge of and belief in God’s character and that the Gospel is essential in cultivating contentment that is both strong and lasting.


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All-Church Bible Conference
The Image of God: The Creator’s Design for Humanity

with Dr. Bruce Ware and Dr. Owen Strachan
June 2-4, 2022

We live in an age where the very foundations of society and the Church are under persistent attack. The spirit of the age and the philosophies of Man have led to an increasing disregard for the Biblical values that once provided stability to our culture and world. Marriage, the family, sexuality, manhood, womanhood, and the worth of unborn human life are all being redefined right before our eyes. These issues are not merely “out there” in our society; they are infiltrating much of the Church. More than ever, we need men, women, families, and children whose thinking and worldview are forged by the unchanging Truth revealed in God’s Word.

Dr. Bruce Ware and Dr. Owen Strachan took us into Scripture to teach us, the image-bearers of God, how the Imago Dei clarifies and corrects what has become confused and often perverted by the false and destructive philosophies of our age. This was an informative and encouraging series of Biblical messages aimed at helping our Trinity family and friends maintain a sure footing in God’s Word regarding the pressing issues of our time.


<<Conference Media>>

Trinity Men’s Conference
Godly Men In Ungodly Times
with Paul Washer
April 29-30, 2022

Our Trinity Men’s Conference on April 29-30, 2022 had special guest speaker Paul Washer from HeartCry Missionary Society. Along with Paul’s teaching on being godly men, we also had several breakout sessions that focused on further equipping our men to exemplify godliness in every facet of life.


<<Conference Media>>