High School
Ministry Vision
Our desire is that each Trinity student will become a devoted follower of Christ who knows God’s Word and knows how to apply it to their daily life. For this purpose, as secondary disciplers we also seek to partner with parents and equip them to be the primary disciplers in their student’s lives.
High School Ministry – “The Truth”
We desire to fill our High School Students with “the truth” of Christ that will prepare them for the rest of their lives.
Grow together
Get Connected!
Join us on Wednesday evenings in the High School Room from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. for games, worship through music, Bible teaching, and small groups as we study God’s Word together.
On Sunday mornings our High Schoolers are encouraged to attend the 9:30 worship celebration with their family. Then at 11:00, we meet in the High School Room for worship through music, Bible teaching, and small groups.
Special Events
Throughout the year, we have several opportunities for students to get connected at special events like camps, our annual TCom Prom, girls and guys nights, opportunities to serve, and small group get-togethers.
Questions on getting connected? Email Bryce Naylor.
OTS: Opportunities to Serve!
Whether it’s serving at the Pregnancy Care Center luncheon, a Respite Night, or VBS, we encourage our students to serve our church family and community with smiles, care, and servants’ hearts!
Resources for Students & Families
Every Wednesday, we send out our HSG Happenings and Remind texts with resources and information on upcoming High School events. View the current month’s Happenings by clicking the button at the top of this page.
To be added to our HSG email or text lists, contact Emily Ladd.
Trinity has a subscription to RightNow Media which is a wonderful resource for Bible studies as well as movies. If you do not have an account, click here! Questions? Email connect@trinitycc.com.
PSALMS: Parents, Students, and Leaders Making Supplication
First Tuesday of the Month
6:00 p.m.
On the first Tuesday of every month, High School parents, students, and leaders gather in the High School Room to pray through the Psalms and make supplication for our church family and High School Group.
Winter Camp @ Hume Lake
Every Winter we head up to Hume Lake for a weekend of fun, friends, and messages from God’s Word. We prepare early for the unforgettable Boxsled Blitz and play hard for the Kurth Cup in Broom Hockey!
TCom Prom
Each Spring we enjoy a beautiful, fun, God-honoring and Christ-exalting evening. We dress up, dance, eat a fancy dinner, and enjoy fellowship as we celebrate God’s good and perfect gift in our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Summer Camp @ Hume Lake
Every Summer we spend a week up at Hume Lake’s Wildwood camp for a time of fun group activities, messages from God’s Word, and intentional discipleship. From group initiatives to solo time, students will be encouraged and equipped by the transforming power of God’s Word.
>> More Info<<
Avila Beach Trip
Each year, 7th-12th grade students are invited to join us for our annual Avila Beach Trip as we enjoy a day filled with beach fun with our Student Ministries family!
Contact Bryce (559.433.0584 Ext. 204).