



Year-End Giving

As you think about your year-end giving, please consider a special above-and-beyond gift for our “Building Up, Living It Out” Vision. Thank you for your faithful giving!

>>Building Up, Living It Out Vision<<

As a reminder, if you would like your gift to be included on your 2024 Giving Statement, all year-end gifts need to be:

1) Received in the church office by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 31 OR
2) Postmarked no later than Dec. 31 OR
3) Put in the offering box on Sunday, December 29 OR
4) Submitted online by 11:59 p.m. Dec. 31

Ways to Give

Online (One-Time or Recurring) Gift

Online Giving allows for a secure, convenient way to give, via a direct debit from your checking account or credit card. You can choose a one-time gift or recurring donation.

<<Give Online>>


You can mail your support to Trinity Community Church, 12168 N. Willow Ave., Clovis, CA 93619


Interested in giving through texting directly from your mobile phone? To start, you can text “TRINITYCCGIVE” to 833.808.3336 and follow the prompts to give through your smartphone. You will receive a one-time reply containing a link to give. Message & data rates may apply.

For details or assistance, contact Shanna Frost (559.433.0584 ext. 207 or

Giving History & Statements

Mid-Year Statements were mailed out on Wednesday, July 10, 2024. To view the letter that was mailed out with the statements, click here. 2024 Giving Statements will be mailed in January 2025. However, if you would prefer to view your statement online, you can access your giving history and statements using our secure database, Church Community Builder (CCB). To review your statement, log in to Church Community Builder (CCB) and click “Give”. For help, watch this quick video tutorial:

If you have never logged in to our CCB database or need help logging in, click here to follow this step-by-step guide to create a login and view your statement.

For questions about your statement, contact Shanna Frost (433-0584 ext. 207). For other questions and technical support, contact Laura Barth (433-0584 ext. 210) or Nathan Belknap (433-0584 ext. 215).

Ways to Give

One-Time or Recurring

Online Gift

Online Giving through Pushpay allows for a secure, convenient way to give, via a direct debit from your checking account or credit card. You can choose a one-time gift or recurring donation.

Trinity does not encourage the use of borrowed credit that leads to acquired debt.



Interested in giving through texting directly from your mobile phone?

To start giving using Pushpay, you can text TRINITYCCGIVE to (833) 808-3336 and follow the prompts to give through your smartphone.  You will receive a one-time reply containing a link to give.  Please be aware that Msg & Data rates may apply.  For help reply HELP or STOP to cancel.

Mail your support


You can mail your support to:

Trinity Community Church
12168 N. Willow Ave.
Clovis, CA 93619

check and cash offerings

Offering Boxes

On Sundays, offerings can be placed in stationary offering boxes located at the back of the Worship Center as well as at the Welcome Center on the Plaza. If you prefer, we encourage you to continue giving through the mail or electronically.​ If you would like to request personalized giving envelopes, please contact Shanna Frost in the church office.

Disaster Relief

Our leadership is communicates with our missionaries and mission partners around the world as we assess their needs in difficult times. If you’d like to give toward the church’s disaster relief fund, please use the link below. All the money will go directly to churches in the areas of disaster. Any funds donated above what is needed for current disasters will be used for future disaster relief.

The Treasure Principle Keys

Sometimes giving will seem like it doesn’t make sense, but when we do it, God provides.

The Macedonian believers gave “as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability” (2 Corinthians 8:3). What does it mean to give beyond our ability?… Jesus said, “Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for My sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29). I don’t believe it’s ever wrong to give now. Death isn’t your best opportunity to give; it’s the end of your opportunity to give. God rewards acts of faith done while we’re still living. John Wesley said, “Money never stays with me. It would burn me if it did. I throw it out of my hands as soon as possible, lest it should find its way into my heart.” (From The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn)