Heart of Jesus

Heart of Jesus

Heart of Jesus is our ministry to families with children who are experiencing physical, intellectual, or emotional challenges. Our desire is to make it possible for all families to worship and participate at Trinity as part of the Body of Christ by integrating children with needs into our Sunday School classes often with the addition of a one-on-one background-checked “buddy.”

  • If you are a parent and feel your child could use extra support or assistance while at Trinity, please reach out and we will come up with a plan to help!
  • If you are a member of Trinity and want to serve in this ministry, we can always use more help on Sunday mornings, and at our respite events; please contact us and express your interest in serving.

For more information about Heart of Jesus, please contact Kevin and Sarah.

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.’” Matthew 25:40

Heart of Jesus
Respite Events

Respite events are held at various times in the year to provide a break for parents navigating challenging life situations (disability, foster/adoption situations, single-parenting, etc.). During these events, caring volunteers provide meaningful interaction and a Christ-centered program while parents get a few hours to themselves.