Nathan & Abigail McBroom

Ministry Vision

Nathan and Abigail McBroom serve local churches in East and Southeast Asia, as well as Asian international students in Oxford. Nathan supports and mentors church planters in Asia including theological and pastoral training, providing resources, and encouraging leaders despite significant government persecution. 


Nathan was saved during his freshman year of college through a Bible study in his dorms. He was discipled in his faith and actively shared the Gospel with others on campus. He spent a couple of months in Russia sharing the Gospel with university students there and began to sense God’s calling for missionary service. He later went on to serve as a missionary in a restricted Asian country for over a decade in evangelism, discipleship, and church formation. There were two churches planted and pastoral training established. The McBrooms were expelled from this country due to missionary activity and were redirected to London, England to continue working with Asian international students and serving the Asian churches from a distance. 

They believe the local church is where the Gospel is made visible and is an outpost of the kingdom. The glory of God through the local church is the center and goal of the Great Commission. If healthy churches are not planted, disciples cannot be made or flourish. Missionaries should begin and end their task with consideration of the local church, both in how they are sent out, what they are to do, and what they will leave behind when they die or are called away.

Their great desire is to exalt the name of Jesus Christ by planting healthy churches in places where the Gospel is not known. That is why they concentrate on training and supporting local (ie. Indigenous) pastors who will shepherd the flock, preach the Word, and equip the saints to do the work of ministry. 

Prayer Requests

  • For the men who Nathan is discipling to grow in being faithful ministers of the Gospel
  • For two new church plants in a restricted Asian country to develop into healthy churches and for opportunities to visit. 
  • For wisdom in creating in-depth discipleship training material in native Asian language