Ken & Monica Luse

Ministry Vision

Ken & Monica are equipping the local church in Romania as they disciple international students and mentor young Romanian church leaders. They lead weekly Bible studies while Ken also helps pastor and preach.


The Luse’s goal is to have a word based ministry to help equip nationals to understand the word of God by preaching and teaching the word and by challenging them to implement the truth in the local church.

Secondly, they desire to equip. nationals to recognize the purpose of the word of God is conform the believer to the image of Christ. As such, the word of God is relevant to how we live today. God’s purpose for His people is that they become holy, righteous and godly impacting the culture for the glory of Christ.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for God to give us the opportunity, wisdom, and courage to  reach out to international students in Iasi, Romania with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray that God would continue to grow the local church as we partner with Romanian brothers and sisters.
  • Pray for new believers who have converted from Islam to Christianity as they face potential persecution from family and friends.