Where We Are

12168 North Willow Avenue
Clovis, California 93619


Sunday Worship Celebrations at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Tune in to our online broadcast at all three service times at trinitycc.com/live.

General Inquiries

Office Hours:
M-F: 8:30-4:00 & F: 8:30-3:30
Address: 12168 N. Willow Ave., Clovis, California 93619
Phone: 559.433.0584
Fax: 559.433.0585

Call or E-mail Us

Click here for all church staff contact information.


Follow Us!

Emails: If you are not yet receiving our Trinity emails, click here or email connect@trinitycc.com and we’ll sign you up!
Instagram: @trinityccclovis
Facebook: @TrinityCCClovis
Trinity App: Apple or Android
Media App: Apple or Android
YouTube: trinitycc