Philip & Jennifer Adams
Ministry Vision
Philip & Jennifer have the opportunity to come alongside local pastors to provide pastoral care, mentoring, preaching, and teaching, as well as helping mentor a team that oversees new church plants.
Since a young age, Philip aspired to be a missionary, as he was raised on the mission field in France and moved to the United States for college. After he and Jennifer were married, he was sent out by his local church as a missionary. They believe that the local church is God’s chosen instrument for missions and it is in the local church that God wants to raise up future missionaries in order to equip and prepare them to go.
Over the years, they have always worked and served with the indigenous church to come alongside and serve together. They have previous missionary experience in Northern Ireland, Afghanistan, and West Africa and have desired to bring honor to Jesus and His name through godly alliances.
Philip travels throughout France as a pastor to the pastors to equip, teach, and encourage local pastors. He serves with a team as a part of the Federation of Evangelical Baptist Churches of France.
Prayer Requests
- For Philip: Pray for godly wisdom and insight as I encourage and mentor pastors and church leaders.
- For Jennifer: Pray for a more complete surrender to the sovereignty of God. Pray that I would care for those God has entrusted to me while resting fully in His perfect plan and promises.
- Pray for the discipleship school we started in our church with 20+ young adults, that we would train them to become disciples who make disciples.