Bible Study
Godly living in a godless world
A permissive society, a land filled with idols, a nation without the true God. Daniel’s situation in Babylon sounds quite a bit like our own. Even in times of great trial and opposition, Christians must remain faithful to God and His gospel, imitating the steadfastness of Christ and bringing his light to an increasingly dark world. Please join us for our study in the book of Daniel as we unpack ancient truths for our modern times.
Keep scrolling for details and registration.
Brother-to-Brother Bible Study
6:30-8:30 p.m.
The Spring Semester begins Wednesday, January 15!
Brother-to-Brother (B2B) is a Men’s Bible Study that meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. during the Fall & Spring semesters. Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. Our time together includes fellowship, worship, teaching from God’s Word, small group discussion, and prayer. If you are new to Trinity, or if you have been with us for a while and are looking for Gospel-focused teaching and a chance to connect with other men, Brother-to-Brother is a great place to start!
Returning from the Fall 2024 semester? Pay here.
Registering for the first time? Register here.
Questions? Contact Bryan Frazier (433-0584, ext. 209 or BFrazier@trinitycc.com).
Click here to access previous B2B messages
Click here to access our B2B music playlists (Spotify)
Sister-to-Sister Bible Study
9:00-11:00 a.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The Spring Semester is from January 16 through April 10!
Sister-to-Sister (S2S) is a weekly Women’s Bible Study that meets on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and evenings at 6:30 p.m during the Fall & Spring semesters. Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. Our time together includes worship, teaching from God’s Word, and small group discussion. Bible Study Kids is available for both S2S AM and PM.
Returning from the Fall 2024 semester? Pay here.
Registering for the first time? Register here.
For more info about registration, contact Monica Gutierrez (433-0584 ext. 216 or MGutierrez@trinitycc.com)
Questions? Contact Jaimi Fong (433-0584, ext. 214 or JFong@trinitycc.com).
Click here to watch previous S2S messages
Click to access our S2S music playlists (Spotify)
Bible Study Kids
During the Fall and Spring semesters, BSK meets during Sister-to-Sister on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. (Infant-Preschool; homeschool) and Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. (Infant-4th grade). At BSK, your kids will memorize Scripture, grow in their understanding of the Bible, and have lots of fun!
New to S2S and you’d like to register your child for BSK? Register here.
For more info about BSK, contact Jesicca Ross (JRoss@trinitycc.com).
For more info about registration, contact Jordan (JPotter@trinitycc.com).
Thrive & Students
5th and 6th graders are invited to attend Thrive on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Our Jr. High and High School students will also be following along with our study during their normal Wednesday evening meetings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. For more info about…
- Thrive & Jr. High, contact Chris Nickel (433-0584, ext. 223 or CNickel@trinitycc.com)
- High School, contact Bryce Naylor (433-0584, ext. 204 or BNaylor@trinitycc.com)